Language is central to all learning and implicit in all curriculum. Language development is achieved by learning a language, learning through language and learning about language.
It is learned through a range of meaningful purposes and contexts, and it involves the integration of critical and creative thinking, listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting. English will be taught both explicitly as well as through an integrated approach.
Students will be working in mixed ability groups whilst receiving differentiated instruction.
At Saltwater P-9 College, students and teachers will access the Victorian Curriculum through the use of Continua, identifying the progression of skill development in Literacy in the following areas:
In Mathematics, students will appreciate the intrinsic fascination of Numeracy and explore the world through its unique perceptions. In the same way that students describe themselves as “authors” or “artists”, we also provide students with the opportunity to see themselves as “mathematicians”, where they enjoy and are enthusiastic when exploring and learning about Mathematics. Manipulation of concrete materials provides the foundation upon which students can actively build Mathematical ideas.
The Mathematics curriculum is structured around experiences in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability, built within the framework of the Victorian Curriculum and embedded within a framework of Inquiry.
Teachers will differentiate the curriculum to cater for all students at their point of need.
Through the use of formative assessment tasks, teachers and student will be able to identify what level of proficiency a student has in each continuum, what their deficiencies are and therefore what their next goals need to be.
Students will self-direct and monitor their learning using the continua, and teachers will be able to explicitly cater for and differentiate the learning path for each student.
When students participate in the development of their individual learning pathway, they take ownership of their learning. Student voice and agency in goal setting develops students’ intrinsic reward systems as they can identify a clear connection between their level of effort and their ultimate level of achievement and success.