At Saltwater P-9 College, technology is used to maintain, manipulate, enhance and modify the environment and resources to support learning. It involves the purposeful application of knowledge, skills, equipment, materials, energy and data to create useful products.
Through technology education, students are challenged by problems in familiar, real-life contexts. Saltwater P-9 College uses Apple technology as an educational resource and tool within the classroom, for all learning areas, to provide rich engagement and limitless opportunities, through the use of educational focused applications and educational websites.
Information Communication and Technology skills are developed in an integrated manner through key learning areas and units of Inquiry. Students in Years Prep-3 use iPADS and students in Years 4-9 use Macbooks. Robotics and coding will also provide an interactive and engaging way of introducing STEM into the curriculum and inspiring students to pursue STEM-related subjects and careers in the future.